

it's been an ages.

Lama tidak update belog satu ne..
Well, something interesting lagi.

Have u take a sight on this Malay wat-so-ever-drama ?

wahh... makin-makin femes dah orang-orang yang blogging ne.
eventho, i'm not into that v-logging things but yeah blogging juga kann

paling best, special appearance Maria Helen.
Ntah amacam kak Maria tuh acting. tak tengo pulak.. missed that show.


By any chance, I'm here not talk about the Maria Helen, Malay's Drama or Alif Azizz kayy...

It's a verb. ikr (no idea)
Okay.. for me blogging is like a diary or journal or place where you're fucked up.
But, it's almost all the post u've posted can bee seen by your followers. unless, u private kan blog ko.
tp my point bukan disitu.

tipu la if u never thought being famous with your own blog or FB or Twitter.... kann?
at least ada juga sikit2 berangan mao bagi signature sbb famous internet kann.
sudah la sekarang ada Digi WOW awards.. perhh, day dreaming ambil trofi atas pentas. heaven tuh. mcm artis la sangat kan.

My point here, nothing can stop you if people already like you and keep tracking your activity but jangan sampai stalk engko la.
Famous tuh perkara pertama lah, semua orang akan salute engko.
Pastu, gaining Haterss.... nah tuh 1 problem lagi. *biasalah cemburukan*

In my side, i always keeping my friends know what i do, what i feel sampai durang getting annoyed until they puke. HAHA so tuh la i've my own social networking account like FB, Twitter, Tumblr and this... my personal paper-free diary. blog.

second thing, aku pun mao famous genk. tp apalah sangat dengan blog aku ne... cukup2 eat. HAHA. entry pun boring tahap gaban kann.. fyi, my blog is not what i found interesting or just kutuk maki orang. my blog is story of my life. [sila rujuk header] So, my peeps(aka my followers) boleh tau apa yang saya telah buat and how i respond and reflected it in my daily life.

btw, aku sangat busy layan twitter la, tumblr laa, facebook lagi laahh... sampai kan di-anak-tiri-kan pulak ne blog. will post often in the future.

so that's it for now.