
Tea-cheers 1 day

On the 17th April, we on a trip to SK. Pekan Tamparuli for school visit which is one of the activities on EL Camp. We met little fellow named pupils. Naughty is just a little thing for them.

memang kelam-kabut, sibuk melayan karenah durang. tecer marcel, sir arif, sir jesste, mr b, tecer nana, tecer anisa, tecer azie and tecer carol having a lot of stress handling this chaotic class. anyway, we have a lot of fun on that day.

introduction time...
what is your name ?
my first ever students

the one-day-teachers at SK. Pekan Tamparuli

Gonna miss them

Budak-budak ku... lol

and the activities...

dari gambar pun, tau suda personaliti ke'cikgu'an kami.


moving into a serious things

tasks and assignment getting more intense. I don't know how to start. furthermore, there is a emotional crisis that i have been facing before, things get complicated when u start to get closer. haih, i don't wanna banana fruit 2 times...