
from my mind to the readers

It's been a while..
m too busy to update this behabuk blog.

I have a lot of idea to post something but at the end, save to draft. Ngam sangat.
Lot of things running nowadays.
My schedule so PACKED, I even doesn't get any nap sudah. *fcuk!

ndak apa la, at least sia boleh survive. Bukan terus mengalah di tengah jalan.
Surprisingly,  biarpun agak sibuk dlm masa ini... Aku tetap ndak pernah tinggal kan Running Man.
Thanks to  Carol, my Running Man sampai epi 75. Yayy ! Bnykkan. Yang gantung2 pun skrg boleh tingu sudah.

Alrite, this morning...YESH ! again busy. after planting some green things.went for a banner rally. memang RALLY la event this moring. Packed oh, cannot draw... aihh.. 
Last2, xda dpt join keseronokan dorang.. Sorry yah . perhaps u all upset wit me. I got urgent. I know, Sy salah xda kasi tau awal2 kann..  Mianhae, anywys U guys did a GREAT job.

santik kann ? Credits : Gaby.

Then, after a week postponed the Wira's Shirts booking. Finally, DONE juga tempahan nya. 
i wish, nothing will get worsen after worrying that stuff for a week. 

sungguh last minit tempahan, desain pun bulih-bulihnya dilukis d kadai.. wakakakakakaahhh.

Should look like this .. :) 


Finally, I siap juga compile all my bias... hehehheekkhh :) *lama sudah sy mo edit mcm ne.

Sunhwa (Secret) | Sulli (f(x)) | Hyorin (Sistar) | Bomi (A Pink) | Sunny (SNSD)